Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bill C-31 - Loi C-31

Voici une lettre que j'ai écrit au premier ministre concernant la défaite de la loi C-31 au sénat. Je vous encourage de lui écrire aussi.

Mr. Prime Minister,

I am greatly disappointed by the killing of bill C-31 in the senate. I find that this action was a best a dirty trick and at worst a subversion of democracy.

The bill was passed by a majority of elected officials and the conservative party is a minority; therefore it should respect the will of the majority in the house. It is shocking that the government has prevented a bill from being debated because of the opinion it has on climate change. It's fine if the conservative party does not believe climate change is real, or that the conservatives do not care. However, the majority of elected officials disagree with the conservative government, and that decision must be respected.

The decisions on the long form census, prorogation and the latest senate vote on C-31 are just a few examples of the government’s lack of respect for democracy. I have lost faith in this government’s capacity to uphold our democratic institutions.

I sincerely hope that future governments do not follow your example, and govern with honesty, integrity and transparency.