Wednesday, October 21, 2009

International Day of Climate Action - October 24

Some fun events going down on saturday:

International Day of Climate Action - October 24

This Saturday is the International Day of Climate Action. Check out to find out what events are happening in the 514. You can also write your MP, the PM and any other important person you might think of to tell them to take climate change seriously.

A letter sent to the PM in support of climate action day:

Mr. Prime Minister,

Canada has been a world leader in human rights thanks to it's progressive social services. However, the missing link to make Canada a guiding light for all countries to follow is a commitment to environmental protection. To correct this, Canada must recognize environmental protection and environmental sustainability as a human right. A commitment on firm targets to reduced Canada's GHG emissions in Copenhagen will enable Canada to re-assume it's leadership on human rights, including the rights of the environment.

Based on many press articles I have read, the Canadian Government is trying to lower expectations regarding the Copenhagen negotiations. This is unacceptable and represents a defeatist attitude. How can Canadians be inspired to consider the environment as essential to the protection of human rights at home and abroad, when their government refuses to do so. Where is the political courage?

The federal government is representing Canada internationally, therefore the international community will judge all Canadians based on your actions in Copenhagen. The actions of the federal government will have a trickle down effect to other levels of government and to the citizens themselves. If the federal government does not set an example by committing to a reduction of GHG emissions, it will be harder for other levels of government and citizens to become motivated. This will delay and complicate the work that must be done to mitigate the risks of climate change.

This December may be a defining moment in human history and for Canada. Every Prime Minister desires a legacy; this is your chance.

Have Fun!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ingrid Hein Green Party Candidate for Papineau - Candidate pour Papineau

We are pleased to announce Ingrid Hein as candidate for the Green Party of Canada in the Montreal riding of Papineau. Here is Ingrid's biography:

Ingrid Hein, 37, is a writer and web project manager focused on social issues and community development. Her achievements include founding and launching the award-winning National Film Board of Canada “Challenge for Change” web site CitizenShift, and taking on a management role in a series of Heritage Canada virtual museum projects including Haida Spirits of the Sea: Exhibit for Expo 98, Canadian Pavilion, The Canadian Virtual Exhibit on biodiversity: Focus on Insects, Focus on Amphibians and Focus on Quebec Minerals.

Community development work brought Ingrid to South Africa facilitating media skill-building workshops for social change with the NGO Alternatives. Her efforts resulted in the development of a local newspaper for a community of eleven villages. Prior to this, she wrote a newspaper column on technology and democracy for three-years-running in newspapers HOUR (Montreal) and Eye (Toronto).

Ingrid graduated in 2001 with a BA in journalism from Concordia University, where she was also editor-in-chief of a twice-weekly student newspaper. She recently completed a graduate degree in Community Economic Development at the School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia University. She is also working on a book describing her experiences working in South Africa.

Married, and mother to two children, Ingrid grew up in Scarborough, Ontario, and moved to Montreal, Quebec over ten years ago. She speaks English, French and German.


Ingrid Hein, 37 ans, est auteur et gestionnaire des projets web appelée par les enjeux sociaux et le développement social et communautaire.

Ses acquis incluent la fondation et le lancement du site web de l’Office National du Film CitizenShift, un projet dans le cadre du programme « Challenge for Change » et elle a pris le rôle du gestionnaire des projets de Patrimoine canadien incluant Les Haidas et les esprits de la mer, une exhibition pour Expo ’98, L’exhibition Virtuelle Canadienne, spécialité des Insectes, les amphibies, et les minéraux du Québec, et ce dans Le Musée virtuel du Canada.

Après avoir été chroniqueur sur la technologie et la démocratie pendant trois années d’affilées pour les hebdomadaires Hour (Montréal) et Eye (Toronto), elle a saisie une opportunité en développement communautaire, amenant Ingrid en Afrique du Sud rural. Créant et animant des ateliers de création médiatique elle a assistée a la création d’un journal communautaire couvrant onze villages.

Ingrid détient un Baccalauréat en Journalisme de l’Université Concordia. Elle était rédactrice en chef du journal étudiant the Link, publié deux fois par semaine. Elle finit en ce moment une maîtrise en Développement Economique Communautaire à l’Ecole des Affaires Publiques et Communautaires de l’Université Concordia et rédige un livre sur ses expériences en Afrique du Sud.

Ingrid Hein est mariée et mère de deux enfants. Née et grandie a Scarborough, Ontario, elle s’est installée au Québec depuis dix ans. Elle parle Anglais, Français et Allemand.

Ingrid can be reached at the following email:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day!

Hi everyone,

Today blogs around the world are united in solidarity to speak up about climate change. Climate change is a complex issue, but solutions are possible. The first step to dealing with climate change is recognizing that it is a problem. I would suggest the following exercise to begin the process of awareness and action on climate change (note that this process can apply to other issues as well) :

1) Recognize the suffering that is occurring now due to climate change. Droughts, floods, famines, loss of animal life, heat waves, etc.

2) Recognize the suffering that can occur if climate change continues. Increase in droughts, famines, lack of fresh water, wars, etc.

3) Recognize the causes of climate change: overconsumption, abuse of natural resources (oil, forests, water, animals...), human greed, poverty, etc.

4) Recognize your own contribution to the causes of climate change. (Is it really necessary to take 20 minute showers and drives SUV's in the city?)

5) Recognize the benefits of eleminating the causes of climate change, thereby eliminating the suffering.

6) Implement an action plan to eliminate your own contributions to the causes of climate change.

7) Don't forget to smile ;)

Have fun!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Le Dalai Lama à Montréal

Le Dalai Lama était de passage à Montréal aujourd'hui et Danny était présent au Centre Bell pour écouter le discour du Dalai Lama.

Le sujet du discour de sa Sainteté le Dalai Lama était la compassion. Le pouvoir de la compassion a été mis de l'avant comme une qualité essentiel pour arriver à un monde plus juste, équitable et pacifique.

Avoir de la compassion signifie que l'on désir et agi pour que tous être vivants aient le droit de vivre sans souffrance. Ceci nous impose d'agir avec une éthique morale dans nos actions et nos paroles. La compassion nous impose aussi le devoir d'agir contre les actions et les paroles qui causent de la souffrance aux être vivants. Cependant, se manifester contre des actions ne prétend pas des actes de violence verbale ou physique contre un autre être. Le Dalai Lama a mis l'emphase de différencier l'action de l'acteur. Avec compassion nous devons opposé des actions malsaines, mais sans violence envers ceux qui engendre l'action.

Demandons-nous maintenant si les gouvernements du monde agissent vraiment avec compassion. Comment peut-on changer nos méthodes de gouvernance pour que la compassion nous guide dans nos décisions?

L'Équipe de l'ACE Papineau


L'équipe de l'ACE du Parti vert du Canada de Papineau est présentement composé de:

Ingrid Hein - Première Dirigeante
Danny Polifroni - Agent Financier

Si vous êtes intéressé à vous joindre à notre équipe, SVP envoyé un courriel au



The Green Party of Canada Papineau EDA is currently made up of:

Ingrid Hein - CEO
Danny Polifroni - Financial Agent

If you are interested in joining the Papineau EDA, please send an email to

Thank you